Carmen. She wears the flight jacket of her recently deceased father, Lt. Rolando Diaz. Lt. Diaz proudly served as an aviator with the US Navy for 18 years, a career that spanned multiple overseas tours aboard the USS Nimitz as an E-2C/Hawkeye and C-2A/Greyhound pilot. After retiring from the Navy in 1996, he began his second career as a commercial airline pilot for 26 years until his untimely passing in September 2022. Rolando was set to retire in January, around the time of his 65th birthday. “By adamant request, I inherited my dad’s sage green flight jacket this Christmas”. Carmen adds “as the eldest child, I have always felt pride for my father’s career choice and probably benefited most from the experience of a military lifestyle that impacted all of my youth.” The day this photo was taken Carmen had visited Arlington National Cemetery to watch the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and also pay respects to an old friend’s sibling who is buried there. “My father and I had never visited Arlington National Cemetery together in life, so it felt natural to wear the jacket to bring his essence with me that day.” Lt. Ronald Diaz is resting at Barrancas National Cemetery in Pensacola, Florida.